30 Aug New research stage at the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Laboratory P-Porto.
Very honored and happy to continue developing research stays from July 3 to 18, 2023 at the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Laboratory of the University of Porto. I have the great fortune to be a member of this international research group for years. During the stay, we have been working basically in relation to:
1. Training in Virtual Reality.
2. Our art and culture project for health and social participation that we are developing jointly with the Serralves Foundation.
3. Social Entrepreneurship, through the E Green Social Design project.
All my gratitude to my great colleagues, the vice-rector Antonio Márques, and doctors Raquel Freitas Simões Almeida, Maria João Ribeiro Fernandes Trigueiro, Vítor Simões-Silva, Paula Portugal, Tiago Cohelo. Likewise, to the UVic-UCC for the help received to carry out this stay via international mobility scholarships.