If you want to develop projects based on ICT, social innovation and entrepreneurship, Occupational Science/Therapy, and mental health to create healthy and inclusive communities, and/or develop research projects, it will be a pleasure to work with you. I put at your disposal twenty years of professional experience, and my training:
European Think Tank to reflect for an occupational science perspective about the potential contribution of occupation to social transformation.
Participants: Deborah Laliberte Rudman, Nick Pollard, Claire Craig, Sarah Kantartzis, Barbara Piškur, Salvador Algado Simó , Hanneke van Bruggen & Sandra Schiller.
On of the products has been the article Contributing to social transformation through occupation: Experiences from a think tank, available at Link
International Think Tank to reflect about how to improve the interventions with forced migrants.
Participants: Concettina Trimboli , Natalia Rivas-Quarneti, Nadine Blankvoort, Ina Roosen , Salvador Simó Algado & Gail Whiteford.
Iberoamerican Think Thank whose main goal has been to reflect about the emergence of an Occupational Therapy from the South.
Participants: the Think Tank has been leaded with Alejandro Guajardo, Solangel García, Sandra Galheigo, Fatima Correa, Salvador Simó (Coordinators), among other authors.
One of the most important products has been the book Terapias Ocupacionales desde el Sur: Derechos Humanos, ciudadanía y participación. (Simó Algado et al). Santiago de Chile: USACH.
International Think Tank to develop Occupational Therapy with populations underserved, due to economic, cultural, social or gender factors. It has generated theoretic debates and praxis interventions.
Participants: This movement was originally funded by Frank Kronenberg and Salvador Simó. Nick Pollard joined us for the 1st Edition of Occupational Therapy without Borders.
Products: The movement has published 3 books. I have been co-author of the first one, and I have participated with chapters in the other 2 books.
2004 Occupational therapy without borders: learning from the spirit of survivors. Oxford (England): Elseviers.